iShamba: Shamba Shape Up’s farmer information service.

iShamba helps farmers improve their farms and get better yields. Sign up to iShamba and turn your farm into a profitable business.

Our Services

iShamba is a call centre of agricultural experts where you can SMS in your questions or call in to speak to an expert for instant help. Once you sign up, you will also receive agri tips on crop and livestock, market prices and weather updates.

Call Center

call centre

Sign up to iShamba premium and get instant access to our call centre. Call in any day to speak to a farming expert.

The iShamba call centre number is 0711082606. You have to be registered on iShamba to access the call centre services.Click here for more information on how to sign up to iShamba.

Q&A Service


SMS all your farming questions to 21606 on any day of the week and get advise from iShamba team of farming experts.

SMS to 21606 costs 5 shillings per SMS. Answers are FREE to receive!

Agri Tips


Wondering when you should vaccinate your chicken? Or when is the best time to top dress your maize? Receive tips on your phone about the crops you are growing and the livestock you are keeping.

iShamba Agri tips are sent direct to your phone and they follow the crop calendar of your region ensuring you know what to do and what to expect every step of the way. You can always contact the call centre to change the crop or livestock you receive tips on.



Wondering when the rains are coming, or when to plant, or when to harvest your maize? Receive weekly weather updates for your farm location sent directly to your phone.

Weather forecasts are sourced from Plant Village. They are accurate to 9km from your location. Seasonal county forecasts are sourced from Kenya met.

Market Prices

Market Prices

Get weekly crop market prices on your phone from major markets countrywide.

Want to avoid the hassle of negotiating with brokers and middlemen? Let iShamba market prices guide you on when and where to sell your produce and, how much to sell it for.

Alert On Farmer Events


Don’t miss out! Get SMS alerts on farming shows, fairs and farmer trainings in your area.

Farming events are a good place to meet and exchange ideas with other farmers, learn about new farming technologies and interact with input suppliers. iShamba sends you details of event dates, location, hosts and entry charges if any.

Subscriptions and Pricing


KSH 0 per year

Access to iShamba call centre of experts

Access to iShamba SMS question service

Alerts on farmer events in your area

Weather updates and market prices on request

Occasional SMS from iShamba partners


KSH 800 per year

Access to iShamba WhatsApp groups

Agri tips on 4 commodities

Weekly, monthly and seasonal weather updates

Market prices from 2 main markets

Access to iShamba call centre of experts

Alerts on farmer events in your area

Occasional SMS from iShamba partners

Subscribe to iShamba

Once you subscribe, we will call you back and register you. Once signed up, you will receive Agri tips, market prices and weekly weather updates. You will also get access to iShamba’s call centre staffed by our excellent agricultural experts.

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About Us

Launched in March 2015, iShamba is a mobile-based farmer information service that disseminates relevant, accurate, and timely agricultural information to farmers directly to their mobile phones. iShamba also has a call centre staffed with agricultural experts where farmers can SMS and/or call to get instant expert advice.


Vision: To create a future where farmers have access to accurate, precise, and timely farming information, enabling them to enhance productivity and increase their income, therefore improving livelihoods.

Mission: We are committed to enhance productivity, increase income and build climate resilience in agricultural communities.

Values: Precision, Collaboration, Sustainability